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Let me introduce myself, Annie Poissant, founder of Photosuite Canada-France. Being a volume photographer myself & a passionate entrepreneur, I thrive on supporting photographers in their professional journey.

About me

Being innovation and efficiency driven, it was of utmost importance to have the best and most automated workflow when I have created my volume photography business. And on top of it, I had a very precise idea of the features I needed in the webshop. I have spent tons of hours looking for that ideal IT solution, assist dozen of demos - there were a lot of good solutions out there, but none met my standards. Then I've put all my ideas on paper and went to see a developper... but couldn’t invest that much money.  I was back to square one. Traveled the world  (via Google) until I discovered Netlife Photosuite, a Norwegian solution distributed by the Australian company  HVP Solutions. It was almost exactly the workflow I had drawn on paper with even more features I could have ever imagined. 


I was lucky to be able to start my journey in the volume photography industry with the best workflow and being coached by Glen Nelson from HVP Solutions to develop best practices and processes.  I couldn’t imagine how I would have managed the peak season without it - like entering manually all orders in ROES, sorting them, collecting money and more on top of answering all the calls and emails, the followups, etc...


Last fall I realized, by reading  posts on social medias that there was a lot of independent photographers  doing some volume photography in schools and preschools. They all had one thing in common: they were awesome photographers with fresh and creative styles but still working the old school way with papers and tons of manual labor. I knew that with the right workflow they would gain in efficiency, spending less time on the post photoshoot process while improving their profitability. I knew then that I have to try to figure out how could I make available the system I was using to my peers? 


The timing was perfect, HVP Solutions was launching Photolink LITE in Australia and I was offered to do so for the Canadian Market.  That was OrderMyPhoto Canada's beginning.  And it is a great opportunity at the same time to build the Canadian Volume Photographers community I feel the need for since my debut in this industry.  If Photolink LITE and its managed services would have exist when I started, I would have been the first to join. Having all the price lists, job types, packages, marketing and communications pre-established would have save me so much time, money and headaches.  And having a support team answering parent's calls and email and getting bulk discount from the partner lab, my business would have grown faster because I would have been able to shoot more schools and still have more free time with my family....


You are lucky. Today, it is now available here, in Canada.  We are here for you. To help you START, GROW and SCALE with the best tool and support especially designed for you.


Best regards,




© 2025 by Photosuite Canada & France  powered by Netlife

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